Thursday, January 10, 2013

to be reliable is to be...

To be reliable, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, is to be "consistently good in quality or performance" or having the ability "to be trusted."  Separating the two definitions, one could easily assess the first as being the more straightforward of the two.  To be "consistently good in quality or performance" one must demand the qualities of patience, tenacity, and passion from oneself.  The list of virtues is endless, but the true test of reliability, here, lies within the individual.  The true test is not of outwards reliability, whether or not said individual can perform upon demand, but of inwards reliability, whether or not said individual can dedicate - and rely - on his or herself in such a pressurized manner that others will, eventually, be comfortable in attributing such a quality to them.

Unlike the internal struggle the first definition represents, having the ability "to be trusted" is an issue of outwards reliability.  Though it is up to the individual to portray his or herself in a way that deems them accessible and trustworthy, they do so out of the selfish need to appear reliable to others - the need to securely know that they are "good."  Obtaining someones trust is the equivalent of being handed the key to unlocking someone's soul, it is a precious commodity and the slightest betrayal can forever take away that key and lock you out.  Once the art of appearing to be outwardly reliable is perfected one must tread carefully, as trust granted in one direction unknowingly grants that same trust to be built in the opposite - effectually causing any sort of betrayal to be larger in magnitude, as two souls will get burned rather than one.

The concepts of reliability and trust are tricky as many are terrified of the repercussions they may face should they place their faith with the "wrong" person, confirming the fear-based operating manner which most contrive their decisions from.  One shouldn't be fearful of repercussions, no matter their nature, because without such cause and effect life wouldn't really be worth living.  Being reliable and relying on others are factors of life which we cannot live without, because if we were to attempt to we would be left with nothing.  We would have no one to share the joy we encounter, no one to find comfort in when life slaps us in the face, and no one next to whom we can, merely, exist.  Reliability simply adds a fascinating level of intricacy to our daily lives, without which we would be bored, without which we would not truly experience anything as it is in our nature to be trusting, to rely.

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