Tuesday, April 23, 2013

forget about hope.

What is hope?

It's an idea.  It's a theory.  It's a simple concept which we cling to in order to make our lives seem as though they hold meaning.  But why do we force ourselves to hope for meaning and self-worth rather than decide what will establish these things, in our lives, and proactively go after them.  

We spend such a great deal of our teens, early and mid-twenties hoping that "things" will improve, that we will figure out who we are, that we will decide what we want out of life, and we will figure out our individualized plan in order to achieve these things.  Though these goals are well-intentioned and grand - they achieve nothing.  We spend so much of our time thinking, analyzing, and over-analyzing the external factors that, we believe, guide our paths in life that we ignore ourselves to the point that we become completely out of touch with who we are.  We hope for happiness and success, so much so that we allow others to determine what will bring these things into our lives rather than attempting any sort of self-discovery that will encourage "self-specialized" passions and successes.  

I think it's time to move one from these externally formed hopes.  It's time to move on from the interpretations of success and happiness that society has built for us.  It's time to become ourselves.  No path is the "right" path, no path is the "wrong" path.  I think that as long as the path we choose to follow allows us the opportunity to determine our own dreams, follow said dreams, and, either, succeed or fail at those dreams - we have no need for hope.  We all have the ability to build our own destiny and create our own happiness - all we have left to do is to realize that we are our own creators.  

So why do we bother with hope?  We allow it to have complete control over our emotional well-being.  We allow it to determine the roller-coaster like fluctuations that sway our moods.  I say we forget about hope and we proactively determine our future, our successes, and our happiness.  I say we find ourselves.  I say we determine our own paths.  I say we do whatever the hell we want and we take control of our lives.

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